Scale is excited to announce our investment in Freed’s Series A. Freed frees clinicians from their #1 source of burnout: clinical documentation. Historically, doctors (and nurses, and physician assistants, and therapists, and…) spent their pajama time after a long day’s work finishing up notes and burning 5+ hours a week on documentation requirements. Freed’s AI scribe takes human-quality notes at the point of care, helping clinicians spend more time with their patients during the day and more time with their loved ones when they get home from the clinic.
Freed is a case study in how AI platform shifts create outcomes that violate old venture adages. When we first met Erez in the beginning of 2024, he pitched us something we had never heard before: selling an AI scribe direct-to-clinician. No EMR integration, no long sales cycle, just individual clinicians paying $99 for 15-20 hours of their time back a month. Like many others, our first instinct was, “PLG in healthcare isn’t a thing, this will never work.” Talking to their customers, we were quickly proven wrong. Clinicians across the board – from primary care physicians to cardiologists to therapists to nurse practitioners – were enamored with the product. The message was clear. Now that they’re using Freed, none of them could go back to the old way of doing things. Freed was clearly onto something really special.
Two killer insights are the core of Freed’s success. The first is that pre-LLMs, medical transcription was a $50k a year service only high end specialists could afford but everyone wanted. LLMs and TTS models took the service from $50k a year down to $1k a year – a pricepoint that unlocked latent demand from every clinician suffering from documentation overload. The second is that 50% of clinicians practice outside of enterprise health systems. Those clinicians operate in much leaner environments and don’t have the constraints that come with enterprise IT stacks and procurement cycles – they’re empowered to choose the tools they need to practice medicine at their best. Erez recognized these dynamics, and Freed tapped into a market of highly motivated, empowered buyers by offering an affordable product directly to clinicians.
Freed’s success has already impacted thousands. In less than two years, Freed has helped over 17,000 clinicians reclaim 2.7 million hours of their time – time that’s been spent with patients, family, and friends, not with SOAP notes. There’s a long road and scribing is just the start: Freed is well on its way to becoming the core system of engagement for its clinician base. Thank you to Erez and the rest of the Freedos for letting us be a small part of your journey.