Category: Trends
Analysis, forecasting, and thoughts on all things venture
Investing in Online Marketplaces
From eBay to OpenTable to Airbnb, understanding the marketplace business model
Scale Venture Partners Promotes Alexander Niehenke to Partner, Susan Liu to Principal
Veteran team investing in the future of work
Why Flo and the Geico Gecko Are Not the Future of Insurance
With almost $2B new capital flowing into the industry, technology innovation is transforming the insurance industry
A VC explains the one thing you should know about VCs: their Investment Thesis with Rory O’Driscoll (Scale Venture Partners)
What do VCs look for? It’s not uncommon in Silicon Valley to see equally smart firms, equipped with the same information, picking very different...
Girl Develop It with Brenda Jin (Girl Develop It)
We catch up with Brenda Jin, leader of the San Francisco chapter of Girl Develop It — “a nonprofit organization that provides affordable programs...
Did the NOSQL Wave Fail or Succeed? with Roger Bodamer (MariaDB, MongoDB, Oracle)
Roger and I fell into the NOSQL movement early on, circa 2009 — he as a former Apple/Oracle exec turned EVP at MongoDB, me as a lowly community...
A VC explains how VCs work with Kate Mitchell (Scale Venture Partners)
Venture Capitalists (VCs) have an outsized impact on startups, entrepreneurs, and the tech they invest in. But beyond the tweetstorms & headlines...
Software Dreams of Community: how Google helps humans scale Kubernetes with Sarah Novotny (Kubernetes/Google)
Why do some pieces of software attract people, and others don’t? What makes developers want to use a product but not others? Why even want a...