Category: Trends
Analysis, forecasting, and thoughts on all things venture
ScaleVP Welcomes Two New Associates to the Team
Former Analysts from Yammer and Deutsche Bank Join ScaleVP
Will Box and Dropbox Tackle the Giants?
In the next ten years, consumers and businesses will move much of their file storage to the cloud...
You Want to be a Founder? Don’t Do it
Every ambitious self-respecting 20-something suddenly wants to do a start-up. That's the road to ruin.
Game Changing
Games are growing like wildfire on mobile and the social web. But some of the big winners to profit from game mechanics are not ...
Welcome to ScaleVP’s Newest Executive-in-Residence Eric Tilenius
At ScaleVP, we love spending time with entrepreneurs. In particular, we have benefited from bringing..
The Ultimatum: Go Global or Go Home
What to do when your biggest customer tells you that, essentially, your company is too small for them.
The Difference a Year Can Make…
Sometimes a year flies by almost without notice….not this year having worked on the JOBS Act passed today in Congress…
Why Would The Senate Vote No on JOBS?
The Senate is considering the JOBS bill this week. The bill looks to make it easier for companies to go public by reducing some of the cost...
Final Push for Passage of the JOBS Act
Today is the last opportunity to show your support for the JOBS Act, a bill encouraging more capital to flow to innovative startups.