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scale studio

Take the guesswork out of scaling

In a data-driven world, it’s critical to set measurable goals. Scale Studio distills data from over 1,000 private companies and 10,000 quarters to benchmark the growth and operating metrics that matter most, our four “Vital Signs.”

Revenue range:
Select Your Company Revenue:
  1. $0M - $1M
  2. $1M - $2.5M
  3. $2.5M - $5M
  4. $5M - $10M
  5. $10M - $25M
  6. $25M - $50M
  7. $50M - $100M


Good (50%ile)
Better (75%ile)
Best (90%ile)
2500%2500%2000%2000%1500%1500%1000%1000%500%500%0%0%$0M - $1M$0M - $1M$1M - $2.5M$1M - $2.5M$2.5M - $5M$2.5M - $5M


Good (50%ile)
Better (75%ile)
Best (90%ile)$0M - $1M$0M - $1M$1M - $2.5M$1M - $2.5M$2.5M - $5M$2.5M - $5M


Good (50%ile)
Better (75%ile)
Best (90%ile)
0%0%-3%-3%-6%-6%-9%-9%-12%-12%-15%-15%-13%-5%-1%Any RevenueAny Revenue


Good (50%ile)
Better (75%ile)
Best (90%ile) RevenueAny Revenue

Tools for founders

Scale Studio is a collection of tools for understanding your performance and making better decisions about your path forward. It is powered by a proprietary database of 1,000+ private cloud companies across 10,000+ quarters of data.


Track, calculate, and share performance metrics with your team and your Board.

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Enter your data and metrics to directly compare your performance to other companies of a similar size.

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Annual Planning

Quickly create reliable projections for next year, using just 4 data points.

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Been-to-market insight

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