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Chief Marketing Officer

Scott Buchanan

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About Scott

As a three-time CMO, Scott has intentionally collected a breadth of experiences. He has been the first marketer in the door at a Series A (Stacklok, Heptio), accelerated growth for later-stage enterprises (Forter, Tintri), and led a 110-person marketing team at a public company (VMware). Scott is a data-driven marketing leader; by focusing his team on the right metrics, they have consistently turned every $1 of program budget into $20 of qualified pipeline. While Scott has led every facet of marketing, his greatest expertise lies in positioning and product marketing. If you’re trying to carve out space in a noisy market, he wants to talk through your differentiators to help you tell the most compelling story.  Additionally, reach out to Scott to explore his use of account-based marketing in high-touch enterprise selling motions.

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